I have been the host to many hummingbirds throughout the years. But this year, I received a special experience! I had over forty hummers in my backyard this year. This forced me to provide for them with additional hummingbird feeders, for a total of eight feeders.
If you want to have more feeders next year, buy one feeder at a time to make sure you purchase those that are easy for you or anyone in your family to use, because they do have to be rinsed thoroughly before refilling with the tiny birds’ sweet reward. It is a good idea to clean the bird feeders after they migrate from your area and store the feeders safely for next year.
It would be okay to fill a less expensive feeder and leave it where they were hanging, just in case one or two hummingbirds come by.
They pollinate several varieties of flowers, including sunflowers and four-o’clocks, to aid in producing viable seed for the next season or year.
But there is an important bit of information worth knowing, they also eat a variety of tiny insects, including fungus gnats and mosquitoes. A neighbor came to visit me and noticed I didn’t seem to have any mosquitoes in my backyard. She said her yard was loaded with the voracious, blood-thirsty little pests. My no-cook, no-food coloring recipe for hummingbird food. Four cups of water and one cup of sugar. Stir well until sugar is dissolved. That’s it!
We’d love to hear from you! Whether you have questions, need advice, or want to share your story, reach out today and let’s connect.